
Autism is a disability that affects a child's development in the areas of social interaction and communication. Children with Autism may show no interest in peek-a-boo or other interactive games. They may not communicate; instead they may "hand-lead" to the desired object. Many have poor eye contact.

Characteristics also include repetitive behaviours and resistance to tiny changes in familiar surroundings.

Sensory Issues: A child may have difficulty with clothing, noise and new situations. Some children have gastro-intestinal problems such as diarrhoea, constipation and food sensitivities.

The first signs of Autism, usually appear as developmental delays before the age of three. Autism is a "catch-all" word that is applied to a group of symptoms, some of which are mentioned above. These occur in varying degrees depending on the individual child.

Research has shown that early intervention plays a huge part in your children's progress. An appropriate education plan should be established immediately and should include - speech therapy, occupational therapy and behavioural intervention. Some parents have reported success with dietary and biomedical interventions.

If you are concerned about your child, contact your GP or Public Health Nurse and seek assessment for your child.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Oylegate Mini Marathon

Time again to get the trainers out of storage as its nearing the annual Mini Marathon in Oylegate. This year it will be held on Monday 7th June at 12 noon sharp. Starting point is in Oylegate village.

Whether you are a runner, or prefer to cheer from the sidelines, all are welcome and we hope there is a good turnout again this year.

Sponsorship cards are available by contacting either Hilary at 086 3234742 or Susan at 087 6898359

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Meet the SENOs......

Cottage Autism Network

have organised a meeting with SENOs Fiona Gaffney and Sean Carthy

Date: 25th May

Time: 8pm

Venue: Riverside Hotel

We would like you to forward us any questions you may have before Monday the 17th May so we can arrange the agenda and ensure that all topics are covered and that it may run smoothly and be hugely beneficial to all.


Monday, May 3, 2010

CAN Music Fest

A fun night of entertainment guaranteed to get you strutting your stuff on the dance floor! Come along and join in the fun while raising funds for Cottage Autism Network! Tickets available at the door on the night.