
Autism is a disability that affects a child's development in the areas of social interaction and communication. Children with Autism may show no interest in peek-a-boo or other interactive games. They may not communicate; instead they may "hand-lead" to the desired object. Many have poor eye contact.

Characteristics also include repetitive behaviours and resistance to tiny changes in familiar surroundings.

Sensory Issues: A child may have difficulty with clothing, noise and new situations. Some children have gastro-intestinal problems such as diarrhoea, constipation and food sensitivities.

The first signs of Autism, usually appear as developmental delays before the age of three. Autism is a "catch-all" word that is applied to a group of symptoms, some of which are mentioned above. These occur in varying degrees depending on the individual child.

Research has shown that early intervention plays a huge part in your children's progress. An appropriate education plan should be established immediately and should include - speech therapy, occupational therapy and behavioural intervention. Some parents have reported success with dietary and biomedical interventions.

If you are concerned about your child, contact your GP or Public Health Nurse and seek assessment for your child.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Making Movies with Terence White

As part of the Cottage Autism Network’s siblings programme a film camp was organised with local film maker Terence White.

It was a small group of eight with ages ranging from 11 – 14. The ethos behind this particular group was to give the older siblings of families affected by autism a chance to meet others in a similar situation and because of the small group we could include kids that are on the spectrum who could then mix with others in their age group to gain valuable social practice.

The workshop ran for four consecutive days in July during which they produced and wrote their own film. The workshop then continued for a further three Saturdays in September, during which they produced a second film which this time had been written by Terence himself based on having met the group and gotten to know their interests and strengths.

We had a great diverse group who really seemed to work well together and who responded well to Terence’s way of working. The sheer amount of work involved in film making is sometimes overlooked. For example when having to re-shoot scenes up to 12 times the process can often be very tedious. The whole workshop was a great achievement for our group and it is a great credit to them to have worked so well.

Most of the kids in the group showed great interest and talent in the different areas of film making, from the technical aspect to the acting side. Even the kids who may not have had a particular interest in film production really seemed to enjoy the company that came with the workshop.

Overall it was a very fun and positive experience for all involved. We hope to continue organising more workshops such as this in the near future.


  1. I know a certain Film Star who is going to love this shit. xx

  2. Would that be a certain actor that's hosting a ball in the near future...? :)
